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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Garden Journal: My GROWING Sansevieria Collection (Part II)

September 16, 2020 0 Comments


Previously, I have shared with you that part of my bucket list is to rearrange our garden and in the process I have accidentally collected 15 varieties of Sansevierias or commonly known as Snake Plants. Most of my "starters" were given to me as gifts or I got them from local post sale on Facebook Marketplace. 

Read more about Siam Silver here: Cathie's Bucketlist

Few months back, I joined this Facebook group about local and international Sansevieria enthusiasts. And how my heart got tickled pink! The number of interesting varieties with beautiful leaf shapes and variegations caught my interest. And just like that, I decided to get a few from another sansevieria enthusiast. 

Seller is actually located in a different island, thus my happy mail took a while to arrive. The delay was actually caused by the community quarantines in different areas. Although Sansevierias are known to be hardy, the time frame still made me worry. 

Additional 9 Sansevierias added to my collection

After I received my 
happy mail, which was about 2-3 weeks from the time the seller mailed it, I did a superduper quick unboxing (mainly because I dont know how to set-up my camera). I still didn't plant it right after as I am waiting for the pots I ordered from another seller. By now, the sanses have survived not being planted for almost a month. I took those time to research the plant IDs. Compared to my previous collection, those were actually easy to ID, these uncommon sansevierias caused a bit of confusion on my part especially the cylindrical ones. Thus....

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A SANSEVIERIA EXPERT. The IDs that you will see in the following photos are product of Google search results, plant identification apps, and baffling forum exchanges. These were not verified by botanists and horticulturist. Continue reading at your own risk. 😆

📌 Sansevieria Canaliculata Carriere

Common Name / Trade Name: Canaliculata

This stemless succulent often grow up to 3 feet long. The cylindrical leaves are sometimes erect or slightly curved, and have 5-6 longitudinal grooves and rounded rib-like spaces between them. Color would range from pale to dark green. 

📌 Sansevieria Gracilis

Common Name / Trade Name: Gracilis

Another cylindrical variety can grow for about 18 inches tall. The flexible, narrow, dark-green , awl-shaped leaves have sharp spines on the tips. The tips may turn brown at the very end which is normal. 

Actually, it took me awhile to get the "right" (again, not 101% sure but this is the closest one I got based on photos and descriptions on forums). The initial ID I got was Sansevieria Cylindrica. I tried looking it up online and it lead me to lot of different cylindrical sansevierias. The Cylindrica that I found online grew straight and looks like multiple spears growing on the ground.

📌 Sansevieria Bacularis

Common Name / Trade Name: Bacularis

Bacularis is a compact hybrid snake plant with dark green leaves and slightly paler light green striping. The name Bacularis stems from the latin word "Baculum" meaning stick, rod, or staff. This specie is capable of growing to over 4 feet but doesn't typically exceed in 0.2 cm in diameter. 

Comparison of Gracilis, Bacularis, and Caniculata
Check out the difference on their leaf markings, variegations, texture and growth shape.

📌 Sansevieria Fernwood

Common Name / Trade Name: Fernwood

Fernwood is a compact hybrid snake plant with long, emerald green, pointed leaves with snake-like striped patterns. The numerous elongated leaves grow in all directions. These leaves join at the base to form the plant body. This Africa native may reach up to 4 feet. 

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Bantel's Sensation

Common Name / Trade Name: Bantel's Sensation || White Stripe Sansevieria

This beautiful variegated snake plant features a dark grey-green leaves with contrasting creamy, white vertical striping. The upright leaves can reach up to 3 to 5 feet tall and 1 to 2 inches wide. This West Africa native is often confused with Siam Silver. 

Comparison of Siam Silver and Bantel's Sensation
Check out the difference on their leaf markings, variegations, and margin.

Read more about Siam Silver here: 
My Sansevieria Collection

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciate Brazilian Moonshine

Common Name / Trade Name: Black Brazilian Moonshine

Black Brazilian Moonshine is a mutation for Sansevieria Moonshine. The leaves of this variety are more compact than the regular moonshine, and is about 8 cm wide and 15 cm long. It's tongue-like, nearly silver leaves have random dark green vertical patterns. When grown in the shade, the leaves turn to darker green.


📌 Sansevieria Ballyi

Common Name / Trade Name: Ballyi

When I first tried looking this one up, I got confused big time because the photos I saw online were not as close to what I have. Initially, my id for this one is Sansevieria Hargeisana (check photo here) because of the resemblance on the photo but eventually decided to stick with Ballyi. The leaves of Sansevieria Ballyi are laterally compressed, cylindrical in shape and usually measures about 2-4 inches long and 1/4" thick. The dark green leaves are cross-banded in light green. The apex is red-brow. They curve inward to lengthwise to form a groove. These leaves are joined at the base to form the plant body.

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii Jade

Common Name / Trade Name: Hahnii Jade

This dwarf sansevieria is one of the most distinctive of the Hahnii group due to the foliage displaying no marking or chevrons on the deep-jade thick semi-shiny pointed leaves overlapping to form a rosette creating tight upright cups. Hahnii Jade will form clumps over time. 


📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Futura Robusta

Common Name / Trade Name: Futura Robusta

Futura Robusta is like the medium size version of the Mother-in-Law's Tongue. The pale, silvery green leaves are tiger-striped with deep green, irregular stripes. This variety can grow from 6 to 9 inches tall and about 8 inches wide. 

And that's it! The nine additional sansevieria I've recently acquired. As of writing, I have 3 more incoming, and I'm hoping that it will also arrive safe and secured. The three that are on the way are still on the semi-rare bracket of the Sansevieria family. Right now, I am still a bit hesitant to shell out for the rare ones, as some can actually hit thousands. However, I am not closing my options. We'll never know what's in store in the future. At least, there's something to look forward to during this pandemic. Stay safe, everyone! Happy planting!

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this site is to be used as a guide only. I do not recommend any one plant variety in preference to another nor do I claim to be an authority on stock performance. All information is believed to be correct and is the result of private enquiries and experiences and are given in good faith. I disclaim all responsibility for any harm, loss, cost, or damage resulting from the use of, or reliance upon, the whole or part of any information contained on this website if any part of the information is inaccurate or incomplete. 

❤️ Sharing is caring.  A few seconds of click can go a long way. If you like this article like, share, and
follow my adventures on these social media platforms:
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Monday, August 17, 2020

Garden Journal: My Sansevieria Collection

August 17, 2020 0 Comments

I love gardening. Ever since I was young, I enjoy gardening. It's probably because I grew up in a home surrounded with different variety of crotons and santans. My dad is fond of planting though I rarely see him spend a lot of time in the garden. He was always busy at work to make meets end for a family of five. He was a hardworking man, who grew up in a farm. Which is probably the reason why in some ways, he  made sure we had some blooms and greens in our house. His mom, or Nanay as we would call her, owns a beautiful garden. Different varieties of orchids, shrubs, even fruit trees were grown. Tatay, my paternal grandfather, was the one I always see tending the garden. My aunts, even away from Bacolod, also have their own lovely gardens. I can say, gardening runs in our blood. 

Personally, I am not really into collecting specific plant species. I'm more of a "oh you're pretty! I want you" or "Nice leaf, I think I want you" kind of urban gardener. Which is why, I didn't expect I'd be owning a growing family of sansevierias. 

It started when this pandemic hit us. We were on community quarantine and on a work from home set-up. Since most of the time I am at home now, I have finally decided to finally tick off one of my bucketlist: to rearrange our garden. Think about turning this wasted time from pandemic into plantdemic

This is my initial set. 
(back to front: Siam Silver, Parva, Bird's Nest, and Moonshine)

As mentioned, I wasn't really into Sansevierias. We've been growing Parva at home, but that was it. However, this one time I was looking for a garden medium supplier, the lady was also selling plants. You know that usual voice you hear when you're buying stuff online, "Save more on the delivery fee, by buying more"? Long story short,  I bought 3 Sansevieria varieties for the price of Php 100.00 only. Note that this purchase happened before the "Plant Fever" and people are still busy with barter (yea, if you're not from Philippines, we hyped barter groups. Yes, that old school barter trade), so don't expect you'd still be able to get plants a little less than Php 50. 

And from 4, it accidentally grew to 8 and now I've collected up to 15 varieties of Sansevierias. Why accidentally you say? You see most of my plants we're given to me. My good friends and relatives are generous enough to share with me a piece of their garden. Most of the time, I get surprised when they would send me a message that my plant is ready for pick up or that they have already dropped it off to my mom's office. I'm lucky I found such genuine people. From those generosity, my four turned to eight, to fifteen! Yup! Fell down the Sansevieria rabbit hole pretty fast. 🙈

Now let me share with you my growing Sanse Family!

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii Marginated

Common Name / Trade Name: Dwarf Laurentii

Flashback to my many young years ago, I thought this was just the baby version of laurentii. Little did I know it was another cultivar. It's common here in the Philippines. My dad was into crotons, and we didnt have any sansevierias back then, so I would usually see this in neighbor's house when I was young.  Like most Hahnii, it only grows less than 30 centimeters. 

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii Jade Dwarf Marginata

Common Name / Trade Name: Black Star

Looks the same like the Dwarf Laurentii except Black Star have solid green leaves marginated with creamy yellow. 

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii

Common Name / Trade Name: Bird's Nest Sansevieria

Bird's Nest Sansevieria is a short growing form of Sansevieria Trifasciata. This is quite common here in the Philippines along with Black Star and Dwarf Marginated. This stemless plant remains less than 30 centimeters high and spreads into a cluster of leafy funnels. It's green leaves are marked with clear horizontal bands. Although it is a rare sight, this sanseveria blooms greenish white flowers. 

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Hahnii Streaker

Common Name / Trade Name: Streaker

I initially thought I finally got a Hahnii Swirl! Only to be equally excited to know that what I got is a "Streaker". Streaker is another interesting mutation of Hahnii. It has a streak of silver-gray down the center of each leaf with dark green patterned margins. 

📌 Sansevieria Aubrytiana

Common Name / Trade Name: Father-in-law's tongue

How old were you when you learned there's a Father-in-law's tongue? 
This one has pale green, marbled  foliage with reddish margin. This one can actually grow like tall blades, but slightly smaller than Sansevieria Trifasciata or Mother-in-law's tongue. I've read that this variety is a native of Angola, and Tanzania. 

📌 Sansevieria Guineensis Variegata

Common Name / Trade Name: Golden Hemp || Yellowstone

This beauty has wavy, grayish-green waxy leaves richly marginated in creamy yellow. The striping are vertical and they distinctively curve as they mature. This variety grows about 20 inches tall. This is quite uncommon, and I luckily got this on Facebook marketplace for a very budget-friendly price.

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Moonshine

Common Name / Trade Name: Moonshine

This is the first hybrid I fell in love with. It's unique silver-green leaves margined with darker shade of green are so attractive. Moonshine grows about 12-20 inches tall and it's leaves are about 3-5 inches wide. 

Fun Fact: In low light conditions, the color will turn into darker green but will still retain the silvery touch. 

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Silver Hahnii Marginata

Common Name / Trade Name: Night owl || Silver Star || Starlight

Sansevieria Night Owl has rich, shiny dark green spear-shaped foliage that is surrounded by creamy whitish-yellow variegation. This uncommon hybrid is small and compact. It's actually prettier than moonshine, in my opinion. 

📌 Sansevieria Kirkii Pulchra Coppertone

Common Name / Trade Name: Coppertone || Star Sansevieria

Coppertone is a rare cultivar of the Sansevieria variety of Kirkii Pulchra. This exotic beauty is commonly know as 'Star Sansevieria' and is abundant in Tanzania and East African countries. The stiff and elongated leaves have wavy edges and copper to bronze tones. They usually get around 3 feet long. Like most sansevierias, Coppertone also blooms scented flowers. I was surprised to read about that too! Would be interesting to see mine bloom. 

📌 Sansevieria Parva

Common Name / Trade Name:  Kenya Hyacinth

This Sansevieria is quite common here in the Philippines. This is the first snake plant that we owned. It has a light-green narrow leaves with darker patterns. The leaves can grow up to about 12-15 inches and about 2 inches wide.
Like most of our Sanse, we started with only one planted on a big pot, and it grew and gave pups abundantly. Prior to the pandemic, we had 3 pot-full of parvas thriving and enjoying the neglect. LOL. Then when the pot became way overcrowded, my dad decided to plant it outside our house around the mango tree. With it's leaves a bit pointy, it helped ward off people climbing our tree and taking its fruit without permission. Hahaha! Unfortunately, the pandemic came, and along with it is the "plantdemic". Slowly, people passing by our house are no longer interested in the fruit our mango tree can offer, and prefers to take our parva instead. Now we only have 2 pots-full left of this neglect-loving plant. 

📌 Sansevieria Masonia

Common Name / Trade Name: Mason's Congo || Whale Fin

This Republic of Congo native earned it's nickname "Whale Fin" because of the unique shape of it's unusually wide, paddle-like leaves. Though slow-growing, the Whale Fin reaches an impressive size compared to the other member of the sansevieria family. It grows up to 3 feet long and up to 1-2 feet wide. It's paddle-like leaves are beautifully mottled with patterns of dark and light green, and unnoticeably leaf margins are often pink-ish red. With its unusual look, it makes a great conversation piece.

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Metallica

Common Name / Trade Name: Siam Silver || Manolin || Sayuri

This is one of my first four. At first, I thought this was Bantel's Sensation. Got the right ID when I joined a PH-based Facebook group about Sansevierias. Siam Silver or Manolin can grow up to 2-3 feet tall and it's still, leathery leaves are about 2 to 3 inches wide. They have a vertical striping pattern of grayish green bands of varying width. 

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii

Common Name / Trade Name: Laurentii

Another common variety that I have is the Laurentii. Months before the plant hype, I saw this variety just outside a small sari-sari store near our house. I even planned how I am going to befriend the store owner or what to buy from her store, so I can ask for some. I've always wanted to have one to be added to my collection. I've passed by her store couple of times, practiced what to say, thinking what to buy, but I could find the courage to do what I wanted so I kinda give up without attempting. Lucky for me, few days after I decided to give up, my cousin Leny sent me some. Hahahah!

Laurentii means "three bundles" and this can be seen in the leaf markings of the variety. Each leaf is margined on both sides with solid lines of broad, creamy-yellow edges. In the center, there are two different shades of horizontal, zigzag green stripes. This strap-shaped, fleshy perennial can grow up to 3-4 feet long with leaf width of about 1-2 inches wide.  

📌 Sansevieria Jaboa

Common Name / Trade Name: Jaboa

This striking upright variety of sansevieria shares a lot of similarities with Whale Fin. It has wdie leaves and can be a very good floor plant since it can grow tall as it matures. I tried looking for its mature size measurement online, but to no avail. This giant was given to me by my good friend Nikka. 😄

📌 Sansevieria Trifasciata

Common Name / Trade Name: Mother-in-Law's Tongue

The tallest among my Sansevieria and the most common here in the Philippines. Funny thing about me having is, eventhough this is the most common sansevieria, I just recently acquired together with the Mason's Congo. 

And that's it! My 15 (and maybe expanding) Sansevierias. Would be interesting to add more rare cultivars of this plant. I'm eyeing Variegated Whale Fin, Boncel, and Silver Nymph. I think they're captivating!

Before I end this post, a very quick update. Recently, experts reclassify Sansevieria under the Dracaena genus. It means that if we call a snake plant Sansevieria Trifasciata before, now, it will be known as Dracaena Trifasciata. For me, I'm still not comfortable addressing it as Dracaena, as a different plant comes into my mind. Hahahha 

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Monday, July 6, 2020

Garden Journal: Anthurium Plowmanii

July 06, 2020 0 Comments

𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: Wave of Love
Scientific name: Anthurium Plowmanii

Growing Conditions:
🌞Lighting: At least 4 hours of bright light each day. Avoid full sun.
💦Water: Water regularly and moderately. Soil should be moist and not soggy. Yellow leaves are sign of overwatering.
🌱Propagation: Can be propagated by division, by seeds or by stem cuttings with at least two nodes or more. Put cuttings in water and about a month later, plant the Anthurium cuttings in plant containers. Keep them out of direct sunlight while they are in the water.

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follow my adventures on these social media platforms:
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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Garden Journal: White Angel

June 10, 2020 0 Comments

𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆: 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 || 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒌𝒚𝒘𝒂𝒚 || 𝑨𝒓𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑺𝒏𝒐𝒘 || 𝑨𝒔𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒏𝒐𝒘
Scientific name: Wrightia Antidysenterica

Growing Conditions:
🌞Lighting: Prefers full sun to partial shade.
💦Water: Average water needs. Water regularly - weekly or more often in extreme heat. Do not overwater.
🌱Propagation: Can be propagated by stem cuttings, with some difficulty. Marcotting or air-layering may be an easier option.

Other Useful Info
💊: It is a valuable medicinal plant in India. The bark possesses anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.The juice extracted from the bark is administered for mouth sores. The leaves are used in treating several skin disorders, psoriasis, nonspecific dermatitis etc.

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follow my adventures on these social media platforms:
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Friday, April 17, 2020

Bucketlist #61

April 17, 2020 0 Comments


  1. Marriage Story

  2. 🎥 Tagline: Where there's love, there's a way.
    🎥 Release Date: 2019 December 6
    🎥 Runtime: 2 hours 17 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Scarlette Johansson, Adam Driver, Laura Dern, Alan Alda, Ray Liotta, Julie Hagerty, Merritt Wever
    🎥 Director: Noah Baumbach
    🎥 Storyline: A stage director and his wife struggles through a grueling, coast-to-coast divorce that pushes them to their personal and creative extremes.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  3. Blue is the Warmest Color

  4. 🎥 Tagline: Blazingly emotional and explosively sexy.
    🎥 Release Date: 2013 October 9
    🎥 Runtime: 3 hours
    🎥 Cast: Adèle Exarchopoulos, Léa Seydoux
    🎥 Director: Abdellatif Kechiche
    🎥 Storyline: Adèle's life changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire and to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others Adèle grows, seeks herself, loses herself, and ultimately finds herself through love and loss.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  5. Always Be My Maybe

  6. 🎥 Tagline: There's Always Been Something Between Them
    🎥 Release Date: 2019 May 29
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour and 41 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Ali Wong, Randall Park, Michael Golamco
    🎥 Director: Nahnatchka Khan
    🎥 Storyline: Childhood friends Sasha and Marcus have a falling out and don't speak for 15 years/ But when Sasha, now a celebrity chef in Los Angeles, returns to her hometown in San Francisco to open a new restaurant, she runs into her old pal - a happily complacent musician still living at home and working for his dad. Though the two are reluctant to reconnect, they soon find the old sparks - and maybe some new ones - are there.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  7. Obvious Child

  8. 🎥 Tagline: -
    🎥 Release Date: 2014 August 29
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 24 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Jenny Slate, Gaby Hoffman, David Cross
    🎥 Director: Gillian Robespierre
    🎥 Storyline: A twenty something comedienne must navigate the murky waters of adulthood after her drunken fling with a grad student results in an unplanned pregnancy.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  9. About Time

  10. 🎥 Tagline: What if every moment in life came with a second chance?
    🎥 Release Date: 2013 November 8
    🎥 Runtime: 2 hours and 3 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Rachel McAdams, Bill Nightly, Domhnall Gleeson
    🎥 Director: Richard Curtis
    🎥 Storyline: When Ti Lake is 21, his father tells him a secret: the men in their family can travel through time. Although he can't change history, Tim resolves to improve his life by getting a girlfriend. He meets Mary, falls in love and finally wins her heart via time-travel and a little cunning. However, as his unusual life progresses, Tim finds that his special ability can't shield him and those he loves from the problems of ordinary life. 
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  11. Set It Up

  12. 🎥 Tagline: Finding love takes some assistants
    🎥 Release Date: 2018 June 15
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 45 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Zoey Deutch, Glen Powell, Taye Diggs, Lucy Liu
    🎥 Director: Claire Scanlon
    🎥 Storyline: Two young, overworked assistants in New York realize they can make their lives easier by setting up their workaholic bosses to date. While trying to perpetuate this romantic ruse between their nightmare bosses, the assistants realize they might be right for each other.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  13. Blue Valentine

  14. 🎥 Tagline: Nobody baby but you and me.
    🎥 Release Date: 2011 January 28
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour and 52 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams
    🎥 Director: Derek Cianfrance
    🎥 Storyline: Dean and Cindy live a quiet life in a modest neighborhood. To the casual observer, everything appears normal, if a bit subdued. But a closer examination reveals a couple caught in a downward spiral. They appear to have the world at their feet at the outset of the relationship. However, his lack of ambition and her retreat into self-absorption cause potentially irreversible cracks in their marriage.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  15. Her

  16. 🎥 Tagline: A Spike Jonze love story.
    🎥 Release Date: 2014 January 10
    🎥 Runtime: 2 hours 6 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Chris Pratt
    🎥 Director: Spike Jonze
    🎥 Storyline: In a near future, a lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system designed to meet his every need/
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  17. The Spectacular Now

  18. 🎥 Tagline: Hit you like a shot in the heart.
    🎥 Release Date: 2013 September 13
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 35 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Miles Teller, Shailene Woodley, Kyle Chandler
    🎥 Director: James Ponsoldt
    🎥 Storyline: Sutter, a popular party animal unexpectedly meets the introverted Aimee after waking up on a stranger's lawn. As Sutter deals with the problems in his life and Aimee plans for her future beyond school, an unexpected romance blossoms between them.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  19. Nappily Ever After

  20. 🎥 Tagline: Let yourself grow.
    🎥 Release Date: 2018 September 21
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 38 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Sanaa Lathan, Ernie Hudson, Lyriq Bent, Lynn Whitfield, Ricky Whittle, Camille Guaty
    🎥 Director: Haifaa al-Mansour
    🎥 Storyline: Violet Jones tired of waiting for her longtime boyfriend to propose, breaks up with him. But old feelings, and heaps of jealousy arise when he promptly begins dating another woman.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  21. On Body and Soul

  22. 🎥 Tagline: We meet at night. In our dreams.
    🎥 Release Date: 2018 February 2
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 56 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Gésa Morcsányi, Alexandra Borbély
    🎥 Director: Ildikó Enyedi
    🎥 Storyline: When slaughterhouse workers Endre and Mária discover they share the same dreams - where they meet in a forest as deer and fall in love - they decide to make their dreams come true but it's difficult in real life. 
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  23. How to Get Over a Break-up

  24. 🎥 Tagline: -
    🎥 Release Date: 2018 May 31
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 44 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Gisela Ponce de Leon, Karina Jordan, Christopher Von Uckermann
    🎥 Director: Bruno Ascenzo, Joanna Lombardi
    🎥 Storyline: The film is about a copywriter, Maria Fe, who is suddenly dumped. In a way of getting over a breakup, she starts a blog about how to do it.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  25. Someone Great

  26. 🎥 Tagline: Life is about growing up, turning up, and moving on.
    🎥 Release Date: 2019 April 19
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 32 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Gina Rodriguez, Brittany Snow, DeWanda Wise
    🎥 Director: Jennifer Kaytin Robinson
    🎥 Storyline: After a devastating break up on the eve of her cross-country move, Jenny enjoys one last NYC adventures with her two best pals. Someone Great is a romantic comedy about love, loss, growth, and the everlasting bond of female friendship.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  27. The Perfect Date

  28. 🎥 Tagline: He's whoever you want him to be.
    🎥 Release Date: 2019 April 12
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 29 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Noah Centineo, Laura Marano, Camila Mendes, Odiseas Gerorgiadis, Matt Walsh
    🎥 Director: Chris Nelson
    🎥 Storyline: To save up for college, Brooks Rattigan creates an app where anyone can pay him to play the perfect stand-in boyfriend for any occasion. 
    🍿 My popcorn meter

  29. Me Before You

  30. 🎥 Tagline: Live boldly.
    🎥 Release Date: 2016 June 3
    🎥 Runtime: 1 hour 46 minutes
    🎥 Cast: Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin, Jenna Coleman, Charles Dance, Matthew Lewis, Janet McTeer, Vanessa Kirby, Joanna Lumley, Steve Peacocke
    🎥 Director: Thea Sharrock
    🎥 Storyline: Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun Tea Shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane. Will Traynor knows a car accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that. What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of color. And neither of them knows they're going to change each other for all time.
    🍿 My popcorn meter

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